Inspection and certification of cranes Weighing systems/instrument:
Development, production and sales.
Load cells, load pins and weights:
Repair, calibration and certification.
Weighing operations
Certification and reasertification including yearly control on all lifting and safety equipment.
Rental of weighing equipment
Admin/Project Management
A1 Maritime Inspection
Life boats and davits inspection and certification
G1 Mobile Cranes
G3 Portal / Swing Cranes
G4 Bridge / Overhead Cranes
G7 Winches /Hoists
G8 Truck Cranes
G10 Hand-operated cranes
RX Loose items / lifting equipment
G12 Studio and stage rigs
G20 Hydraulic Crane
PX Personnell Lift
TX Fork Lift
Crane certificates: G4 – G20 and G11
Fork lift certificates: T1, T2 and T4
Personnel lifter class: A, B and C
Bolt tightening
Along with others on demand
GOT is one of the leading companies in Scandinavia in controlling lifting equipment including loose items, safety equipment and loading cells. We move our team where you are. We have inspectors that is certified in climbing. Most of our crew is ready for the next move on or off-shore.